About Galleon Software



Scott Appleton

Colin Biggin

Roy Schulze


About eMerge

We jump to 1982 where Colin is now 17 years old and has decided to go to university outside the province of Quebec. No McGill or Concordia or Bishop's for him; he has his sights set on greener pastures as far away from home as is affordable; and he decides on the University of Waterloo.

After several tumultuous, tortuous, arduous, yet enjoyable years battling the faculty of Mathematics, university administration, various landlords, numerous bouncers, far too many room-mates, and several girlfriends, Colin graduated (twice), bade good riddance to Waterloo, and made his way (as so many ex-Montrealers do) to the friendly confines of beautiful, friendly Toronto, on the shores of the Great Lake Ontario.
